New Job

“How does it feels?”

“P-Please, this is… too much!”

“Come on, Just say it.”



Jason’s body trembled with pleasure. He couldn't believe that such a job existed. Up to this day, he had struggle to find a job. After all, despite his curriculum the job market was overloaded.

It was then that he learned about a job with strange characteristics. Obviously when he heard that the job consisted of playing virtual characters to satisfy the sexual desire of people on the Internet, Jason thought that the job would involve something like maintaining the accounts of virtual porn stars. However, when he discovered that he would actually be part of a FI-VR experiment, he didn't know what to say. Although the lack of money was what led him to accept. And so, Jason arrived, in the body of Jade, to serve his first client.

“I love having a cock inside my pussy!”

“Good girl.”

And just like that, it only took Jade 3 months to become the number one virtual companion on this new service.
