“So how does it feels?”
“It’s… weird. I mean, it’s not how I imagined it, but I like it. I don’t know, it feels right.”
“That’s good. Many men came to us thinking that buying a Body Suit will fix their lives, just to find little later that the problem is not really their appearance, but what is in side. Though it is obvious that a good outside is always a great help.”
“And what happen to those?”
“Well, I don’t really know. We at Body Suits Inc. just limit to remove the unwanted body suit and offer them another options… We don’t actually monitor them, farthest than that.”
“I see. Then…”
“Yes, maam?”
“”Maam,” I like how it sounds. But… Well…”
“I don’t want to sound like some pervert or anything, but… Is it right if I don’t feel like masturbating right here, right now? I mean…”
“You don’t need to worry. Actually, that’s a good sign that you were a woman from the beginning. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, but those who try to play with themselves right after the suit has been completely adjusted are usually those who come back to take it off before any other… They also become the best clients for those of the Fast Rent Department.”
“I see. Then… Ok, my nipples feel now a little itchy at your touch.”
“That’s good, it means the body suit is now fully attached to you.”
“Really? My God, I’m now so nervous… What will people…?”
“Maam, you don’t need to worry. You are ready to go out and live as the woman you have always been.
Amazing caps!!! Love your work